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ミッド6 ツイン

6'10 Mid6 Twinは、7'0と同様の幅とボリュームを備えていますが、数インチ短く、より狭いポケットにフィットするカーブにシェイプされているため、ツインフィンのリリース性能を発揮するのに最適なサイズとなっています。
6'10 Mid6 Twinのフィンとして用意されるFCS2 / Power Twin Finセットは、このモデルのために設計されたフィンです。
ハーレーがFCSのためにデザインしたPower TwinFinは、これまででもっとも人気のあるツインフィンとなっています。

The 6’10 Mid 6 Twin has a similar width and volume as the ever popular 7’0, but being a couple of inches shorter it has a more plan shape curve for smaller pockets making it the perfect size to release as a twin fin.
The 6’10 Mid6 Twin has been designed to be paired with the FCS2 Power Twin fin set.
Harley designed The Power Twin set for FCS which has been one of, if not their most popular twin fin set to date.
The Mid6 range has been designed to give maximum mid-length performance in all wave types.
The fine, round pin tail, curvy plan shape, smooth rocker, with a bit of nose flip is equally comfortable turning deep in the pocket or long open-face arcs.
High nose rails through to mid tucked and low hard in the tail, foiled from the centre for a nice balance of drive through sections while maintaining hold through tight turning arcs.
While the Mid 6 fires in everyday surf, it is tuned enough to handle some pretty serious surf comfortably.
Bill has blended the 6 channels perfectly.
They are not so aggressive that they track in turns at all and it’s very easy to break a line or adjust your arc length anywhere on the wave’s face.
With the channels balanced between your feet, when you push hard through a turn the response is immediate and the acceleration throughout is like no other board I have ever owned.
The Mid 6 breaks the channel bottom stereotype that they’re only good in clean waves.
It has proven to be good in everything.

6'10" x 20 3/4" x 2 5/8" - 40L

2FCS Fin System

FCS2 Power Twin

Shaped by Billy Tolhurst